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The housing market has become increasingly expensive in recent years. It can be difficult to find a home that fits your budget, not to mention the cost of utilities and maintenance. Save yourself the stress of overpaying by becoming more aware of your home costs, and making small lifestyle changes to be kinder to your budget.

Reduce Energy Use

Your energy bill could be costing you much more than it needs to. You use energy every day, but there are ways to reduce your energy use that can really save your budget. For example, turn off any lights whenever you’re not in the room. Leaving lights on all day uses a lot of energy and can add to your energy bill. You can also unplug any devices while they are not in use. TVs, hair dryers, toasters, and more all use energy even when they’re turned off. Unplugging them allows you to save energy. Lastly, you can conserve your water usage by turning off the faucet while you brush your teeth, and fix any leaky faucets you may have.

Budget For Renovations

Chances are, there are a few things in your home you would like to update or change. You may have a lot of things you want to change. These are good aspirations to have! Performing renovations on your home can raise your home’s property value and make it a more beautiful place to live. However, it’s important to create a budget so that you don’t end up spending thousands of dollars more than you need to. For example, small kitchen elements can add up in cost, so you should carefully budget at the outset. Do some research into ways you can cut back on renovation costs. Choosing to DIY some of the less intensive projects can cut back on costs significantly. 

Create a Budget

Set up your income so that you have enough for all of your expenses and some extra for savings. Calculate your monthly income, and make a list of every monthly expense. If you notice some extravagant expenses, you might be able to cut down on some things. There are some great apps that check for subscriptions and expenses that you may have missed. A good rule to stick to is the 50/20/30 rule, so 50% of your income is set aside for necessary expenses like rent and utility bills, 30% is set aside for wants, and 20% savings. 

Money is one of the most common stressors for people. Your home is a big money sucker, so make sure you’re not spending more than you need to on keeping it maintained. There are lots of cheap alternatives and DIY projects that you can do on your own to save money, but make sure you call professionals for more intensive projects.

Read this next: Home Projects That Can Save You Money Over Time