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Whether you rent or own a home, housing costs likely take up a very large portion of your budget. This can become a significant financial burden over time. Finding ways to reduce your housing costs can make things more manageable for you. 

Move Farther Into the Suburbs 

Most people are aware that living in the city is going to be much more expensive. There are more people in the city which means there’s a higher demand for space. This drives up the prices. When you move into the suburbs, you are paying a lot less for housing while also getting more space. 

Some additional costs come with owning a home in the suburbs. These include paying for more maintenance and upkeep. However, these additional costs are outweighed by the money you save by living farther into the suburbs. It’s simply cheaper to live away from the city. 

Rent Your Home 

For many, it’s seen as an achievement when you can finally purchase your own home. However, owning a home can actually be a lot more money. You pay your mortgage, property taxes, HOA fees, and maintenance costs. Renting your home is less time and money intensive than owning a home. 

Your landlord will take care of all the maintenance for you and your only expense will be your monthly rent. Additionally, you have more flexibility when renting. You are free to move whenever you choose. It’s much more manageable for people to rent than it is to buy. You save yourself a lot of time, money, and effort. 

Downsize Your Home

There are many reasons to downsize your home. If all of your children have moved out, there’s no need for you to maintain all that extra space. When you reach retirement, you might also want to downsize because there’s less space for you to maintain. You can also downsize simply for the sake of saving money. A large house only requires more maintenance and cleaning and it will cost you more to continue owning or renting it. A smaller home is more sustainable, cozy, and affordable. 

When it comes to saving money, there are a lot of costs you can cut. Why not start with one of your biggest expenses? Decreasing your housing costs can free up your budget so you can save more money or dedicate it to other financial needs. 

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