How to Spice Up a Socially Distanced Summer

How to Spice Up a Socially Distanced Summer

Social distancing has put a damper on many summer plans. Instead of going on that vacation you were planning for months, you’re now unexpectedly stuck at home. Instead of getting with friends every other night, you’re camping on your couch for the fourth night in a row. Being stuck at home can be monotonous after a while. What can you do to change that up? Here are three ideas to spice up your socially distanced summer.

Pick Up New Hobbies

One of the nice things with having more down time is that you can work on hobbies, which can greatly benefit your life. If you’ve always wanted to try painting with watercolors but have never had the chance, you can pick up a set and some paper (or even have it delivered to your doorstep so you don’t have to leave your home) and watch some YouTube videos as you learn to paint. You can learn yoga with your children, or practice by yourself. Your kids could have a weekly arts and craft day. There are many hobbies that you and your children can explore during this time of social distancing.

Move it Outside

You can also move normal activities outside. There are plenty of ideas to spice up your backyard and make it your family’s new favorite “room” in your house. For example, if you like reading to your kids, spread out a blanket under a tree and read to your kids outside. You can even have meals outside as well as playtime. Staying inside is hard for children as well as adults, and if you have a yard, you might as well use it to your advantage.

Make Use of Video Calling Platforms

Yet another thing you can do is use video calling technology to stay in touch with friends and family. It can be hard to be distant from people you’re used to seeing on a daily, weekly or at least bi-weekly basis. It can be hard for your children as well. Instead of having grandma and grandpa over, do a video call with them. Spend time with your family and friends in any way you can—even if that’s only calling on the phone.

Social distancing has affected the world, but don’t let it get your summer down. Use the free time you have to help yourself and your family grow. You won’t regret it.

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3 Home Additions That Help You Lower Your AC Bill

3 Home Additions That Help You Lower Your AC Bill

Your air conditioning bill is likely rising along with the summer temperatures. While you cannot control the weather, you can take some small and simple, yet effective actions to keep that bill as low as possible. Here are three home additions that can help you lower your air conditioning bill.

Add Reflective Film to the Windows

Reflective film can direct some of the sun’s heat away from the house, preventing heat retention and reducing the need for you to run your air conditioner.

You can also reduce the amount of sunlight in your home by installing sunlight-blocking curtains, window shades, or blinds. Adding these sun-blocking features to your windows doesn’t have to mean that you’ll lose all that gorgeous natural light in your home—you can use them strategically during the hottest parts of the day, but open them when temperatures are cooler in the mornings and evenings.

Add a Programmable Thermostat

Adding a programmable thermostat is a smart idea because it can automatically adjust the temperature settings in your house. You can lower the cost of your bill by setting the AC to 80 degrees when you aren’t home during the summer.

Another way you can use your thermostat to lower your AC bill is setting it at a few degrees higher during the day, then making use of ceiling fans to circulate the air throughout your house. Coupling your AC and ceiling fan usage can help you save money while staying cool. However, make sure to turn off your ceiling fans when you leave the house, since these do not actually lower the temperature of your home; they merely create a wind-chill effect.

Add Some Greenery

Adding trees to your yard can block some of the sunlight and heat from getting to the house. Additionally, planting shrubbery near an outdoor AC unit can help it run more efficiently. Some experts have said that strategically landscaping your yard with trees and shrubs can save you up to 25 percent in energy bills. As you plan to add some greenery in your yard, consider planting trees to the east and west sides of your home. These are the areas directly affected as the sun travels during the morning and afternoon. Of the two, the west side of your home should be the highest priority, because the sun’s intensity is highest in the afternoon.

If you’re looking to lower your AC bill this summer, consider these three smart additions to your home. Reflective window coverings, a programmable thermostat, and trees and shrubs are great, creative ways to save money and stay cool at the same time.

Read this next: 3 Preventative Home Maintenance Tasks That Can Save You Money in the Long Run

How to Negotiate Your Way to the Best Deals

How to Negotiate Your Way to the Best Deals

Negotiating is a skill that is essential to life. It is important to effectively communicate with the people we work with, the people we live with, and the people we shop from. You can get the best deals if you’re willing to put in a little extra effort. Here are some skills to know when negotiating your way to the best deal.

Gather Information

One of the first things you should do as a buyer is do your research, no matter the thing you are looking to buy. For example, you should be prepared with a few questions when buying a car from a dealer. Gathering information may sound like a thankless job because it takes a lot of time and effort, but it is worth it because it makes you more knowledgeable as a buyer, which in turn, allows you to get better deals.

Be Bold

Confidence is important in negotiating. If you’re not confident, the seller can usually tell, and you’ll likely end up having to spend more money on the product you’re buying. Don’t be demanding, but do be confident. You’re the one with the power as you are the one purchasing the buyer’s product. Be willing to make an offer first, as people are frequently hesitant to initiate a price. Being confident allows you to maintain your ground and it can allow you to achieve better deals.

Take Your Time

When negotiating, don’t be in a rush. If you can, take someone with you that you can counsel with, as it is helpful to know you’re not making negotiating decisions on your own. As you negotiate, take your time to think of responses to their offers. When you’ve concluded the meeting, and are still up for negotiation, if you can, ask for some extra time to mull it over or discuss it with other people before you officially conclude negotiations. Taking the time to think about your purchase will give you greater power as a buyer and will help you avoid rushing into hasty purchasing decisions.

Gaining the best deals is something that you can do, even though it might take you outside of your comfort zone. Do your research, be confident in the negotiating process, and take your time as you negotiate. You can be a good negotiator and secure the best deals, but only if you put in the time to practice negotiating skills.

Read this next: Green Tax Credits You Should Take Advantage Of

3 Preventative Home Maintenance Tasks That Can Save You Money in the Long Run

3 Preventative Home Maintenance Tasks That Can Save You Money in the Long Run

Being frugal is a good thing. However, if that prevents you from performing a maintenance task, this could result in a much more expensive repair down the road. When it comes to maintaining a home, you want to do all you can to prevent serious problems from happening. Doing so can help you save money and keep your house nice and well kept.

Repave the Driveway

Unless you are experienced in working with concrete and asphalt, this may be something you want to hire a professional to do. One of the main points of performing maintenance on the driveway is to prevent having to redo the entire driveway. This can be done by using a sealcoat. There are several benefits of sealcoating your driveway that you don’t want to miss out on. This can help prevent cracks and other serious damage. If that starts to happen, it can become very expensive to repair.

Clear and Clean the Gutters

People often forget to clean their gutters and don’t realize how dirty they are. If you let them get too dirty and clogged, you can deal with major problems. Clogged gutters lead to water pooling on your roof. Not only could this lead to water damage, but this is the perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes and other pests. This is a task that you can do yourself. The best way to clean your gutter is with a power washer. The heavy stream of water will wash away all the dirt, twigs, and leaves that have built up in your gutter over the years.

Drain Cleaning

Every couple of years, you should hire a plumber to come in and clean your drains. This will get rid of any debris and sludge that is starting to clog your pipes cleared out. If you don’t clean your drain, you may wake up one day to find that your pipes are clogged, and your sewage line is backing up. That is a smelly, unpleasant, and expensive mess you don’t want to deal with.

If you are on a tight budget, it may be difficult to spend money on home maintenance and repairs, but it can save you from a lot of heartache in the future. It will be much more difficult to finance the larger repairs that will come if you ignore the problems early one. By repaving the driveway, cleaning and clearing the gutters, and cleaning your pipes and drain, you not only will save yourself some time, but also money down the road.

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What Families Should Know About Saving Money on Car Insurance

What Families Should Know About Saving Money on Car Insurance

Car insurance is meant to keep families safe while on the road, whether you’re traveling or going on a Sunday drive. Although it’s necessary, car insurance can get pricey, especially if you have multiple children who need to be added onto your plan. Car insurance doesn’t have to cost you an arm and leg, there are several ways your family can save money on car insurance.

Finding the Cheapest Plan

When looking for a car insurance plan, it is essential to find a plan that is cheap, but also covers all the things that you need. Some people decide to go with a plan that gives them close to maximum coverage but is slightly cheaper than the full coverage. Some find it worth the risk to have minimum coverage. Whatever the plan though, it’s a good idea for you and your family to know exactly what it covers and what is expected of you. Remember to discuss with your family what your needs are when looking for a plan, and then decide what plan best meets those needs.

What You Can’t Control

There are specific aspects that you can’t control when it comes to insurance. There will be certain factors, such as gender, age, marital status, and location that will affect your rate. For example, if you have a teenage son who gets his driver’s license, you will have to pay an increased rate for him to be on car insurance. Sometimes the price might increase on your premium due to fluctuations in the insurance market. While you do the best you can to find the cheapest and best insurance for you and your family, remember that circumstances may change from what you initially buy.

Look for Discounts

Another piece of information to keep in mind when searching for a car insurance plan is that sometimes insurance companies will offer discounts for car insurance policies. These can be offered for a variety of reasons, such as being based on your driving history or simply coupons that are sent out by a car insurance agency. Be on the lookout for discounts as they can decrease your monthly payment.

When searching for car insurance, remember to find a plan that fits your family’s needs first. Then you can search for one that is affordable and possibly find discounts that decrease your monthly payment. Car insurance doesn’t need to be a hassle, but it is a necessity to keep you and your loved ones safe on the road.

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Green Tax Credits You Should Take Advantage Of

Green Tax Credits You Should Take Advantage Of

As Kermit the Frog has often told us, “It’s not easy bein’ green,” and for the energy-conscious consumer, that can be true as well. Energy efficiency often comes at a hefty price tag. Electric cars and hybrids are pricey when compared to their gas-guzzling cousins, and home improvements like solar panels are often quite expensive at the time of installation. Fortunately, taxpayers can get some relief in the form of tax credits for their energy-saving efforts.

Electric Car Credits

If you purchased an electric vehicle in 2019, you were more likely to be able to take advantage of the current Federal EV Tax Credit. For some models such as those made by Tesla and General Motors, the credit has already been phased out. However, the full $7,500 credit still applies to vehicles manufactured by Ford, Nissan, Toyota and BMW. You’d better buy fast, though, because these models will also be phased out after each of them sells 200,000 plug-in vehicles in the U.S. If you’re interested in one of them, the full rebate is still available, and the popularity of electric cars and plug-in hybrids remains unabated.

Solar Credits

Installing solar panels on your home is one of the most popular green improvements. The federal government will give you 26% of the total cost of the system you install. In addition, many states and even local governments provide rebates, tax credits and other incentives to install solar. If you’re interested in this green technology, contact a reputable company to discuss affordable solar panel installation.

State and Local Credits

There are many additional tax credits and rebates available to green consumers. You can view a scorecard that ranks how “green” your state is. Most states also have information on their government websites regarding energy-related tax credits.

You can also check with your local utility companies. Many offer free energy audits of your home. These services will tell you what improvements you can make. They are sometimes accompanied by rebates from the power company if you purchase goods or services through them or if you provide proof of upgrades made based on the results of the audit. These improvements might be anything from increasing the insulation in your home to installing a more energy-efficient water heater.

Whether you choose to purchase a new electric or hybrid vehicle, solar panels for your home or just some new, energy-efficient appliances, do your research. No matter what green buying decisions you make, be sure to get credit where credit is due.

Is this your first time filing taxes? Read our tips for beginners here.